Social Media Video Marketing

Social Media Video Marketing is the single most important strategy in Social Media content marketing today is video. what content marketers need to be thinking about creating and marketing on social for your business is video.  It’s a feature that allows users to receive content provided by media companies.

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Video is the both the present and the future of content marketing in 2018 / 2019, it’s a very good idea to review what works best on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat for the future of your Social Media Video Marketing Strategy.

No matter what you’re selling, no matter what your company does, if you don’t have a Social Media Video Marketing strategy for the biggest video platforms, you are going to lose. When it comes to video content marketing Clearly, video will dominate for the foreseeable future, despite the increasing focus on artificial intelligence.


Facebook Social Media Video Marketing for any brand has become the best way to reach users, fans, and for sales and direct response and the fact that they’re the greatest data company of all time for marketers and you have some serious reasons to spend some real money on Facebook video ads and video content for Facebook. If you’re creating video content for YouTube, and not putting those videos onto Facebook as well, your brand or business is losing distribution.

Make sure to experiment across a wide range of creative strategies to identify what works for your brand, and keep in mind that entertainment tends to win the day on Facebook, as does emotionally-charged content.

Hitting Your Target With YouTube Video

YouTube has the most variety of video on any social network. People stream everything from entire movies to six-second bumpers. With so much range on YouTube and less clear structure, it’s essential to know your audience. Get personal with your videos, get interactive and try new things. Post new videos on a regular time scale and make sure that you optimise and use all the tools provided to get the best coverage possible for your videos.

Getting your videos in Instagram

There are 800 million monthly posts, 500 million daily and 250 million daily stories, according to Instagram company data. Marketers are loving it, too. Of the 41 percent of marketers who have used Instagram video, 78 percent found it to be an effective strategy. People are in a mindset of being open to discovery. Instagram recommends that the interests of users makes effective targeting signals for ads. It’s good advice for creating organic video as well. While people love beautiful, playful moments on Instagram, putting in a little story (even humour) can get big results. Here are a few more strategies to rev up your videos on Instagram.

Social Media Marketing figures say that 60% of brands are currently using video on social networks, between the ages 18 to 33 that create a quick, direct and emotional connection with the user. The goal is to create shareable video content and optimize and adapt them to each social network. Creating high quality video content does require a significant investment of both time and effort, but it is worth it.